Those who know that others are smart,
Those who know that they are wise.
Those who master the art of Self Control have true power.
If you know you have much and know that you have enough, you are truly wealthy.
Those who continue to reach towards there goals are persistent.
Those who keep their word have strong will.
Vibrating in the world of Virgo today...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
lottery tic tac toes
3 HIT TIC TAC TOE: Take the last 3 hits: 935 489 172
9 | 3 | 6 Columns: 941, 387, 692
--+---+-- Corners: 493, 369, 927, 714
4 | 8 | 9 Middle Cross: 483, 389, 987, 784
--+---+-- Diagonals: 982, 681
1 | 7 | 2 Diagonal Pairs: 98, 92, 82, 68, 61, 81
Tic-Tac-Toe Numbers to play:
9 | 3 | 6 Columns: 941, 387, 692
--+---+-- Corners: 493, 369, 927, 714
4 | 8 | 9 Middle Cross: 483, 389, 987, 784
--+---+-- Diagonals: 982, 681
1 | 7 | 2 Diagonal Pairs: 98, 92, 82, 68, 61, 81
9 | 3 | 6 Columns: 941, 387, 692
--+---+-- Corners: 493, 369, 927, 714
4 | 8 | 9 Middle Cross: 483, 389, 987, 784
--+---+-- Diagonals: 982, 681
1 | 7 | 2 Diagonal Pairs: 98, 92, 82, 68, 61, 81
Tic-Tac-Toe Numbers to play:
9 | 3 | 6 Columns: 941, 387, 692
--+---+-- Corners: 493, 369, 927, 714
4 | 8 | 9 Middle Cross: 483, 389, 987, 784
--+---+-- Diagonals: 982, 681
1 | 7 | 2 Diagonal Pairs: 98, 92, 82, 68, 61, 81
Monday, December 6, 2010
To understand the small things is called clarity
Knowing when to yield is called strength
Walking in the awareness of regardless to your situation,
you have the abiity to change the outcome, is called the Constant.
We see the Constant everday in our walk. I'm reminded of the Constant today.
While in the dream state, I dreamt that I told myself: "When 210 falls I'm going to stop posting dreams." I then get out early, because I know I'll be in meetings the majority of the day and may not have time to play.
As soon as I enter the store there is a gentlman with a Military jacket on. His unit # is 210, I get a QP, 012. Most people would stop to think that maybe, just maybe that will be the number today. Not me though, I automatically saw 3 (2+1+0=3). I paused a moment to bask in the glory of infinite wisdom, thanking the Creator for a glimpse of Triune.
Me, I'm a simple person living a magnificent life. I've grown accustomed to the blessings and unfoldings of things Divine, and I'm ever so grateful for the moments when I see 3:
Three reminds us we are all connected and it is only through this connection that progress can be made.
Three is the birthing of true wisdom.
Three is the equilibrium of the unities.
- Spirit, Mind, Body
- Father, Son, Holy Ghost
- Mother, Father, Child
- Past, Present, Future
- Power, Intellect, Love
- Creator, Destroyer, Sustainer
- Creation, Preservation, Destruction
- Thought, Feeling, Emotion
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I walk light but I carry a measuring stick
The Universe told me. I should still continue to walk light. Put down the big stick and carry a Measuring Stick. (Carry a ruler and measure a man. Then see what rules. Those are the rules from now on. In the words of LIL KIM (paraphrasing:) No More"Misses Niceness"
If you have a concept, an idea, want to share a story, want a dream conveyed, need help with your marketing plan, need a promotional strategy, etc. PLEASE, PLEASE come with a clean heart and good intentions. There is a reason I don't do cigarette promotions or marketing people!
With that said: It's only right that you now know the rules in which I will engage:
Destined to rise since my call from birth:
I don't measure a man by what he says,
I measure him by what he considers others to be worth!
Karma Oviquio
Another way I measure a man:
When he does what he does, does he do it for self?
Or does he do it for someone else?
If #1 #FAIL
When he does what he does, does he do it for self?
Or does he do it for someone else?
If #1 #FAIL
My circle of influence is getting smaller by the day.
2011 is less than a month away.
2+0+1+1 = 4 The number of DIVINE CREATION
Meaning if you're not a piece of bringing anything Divinely Creative, if it isn't for good of the All,
2+0+1+1 = 4 The number of DIVINE CREATION
Meaning if you're not a piece of bringing anything Divinely Creative, if it isn't for good of the All,
then I'm not messing with you until 2012.
The number of GRACE & MERCY is when I'll speak to you again. But remember when 2011 comes, I'll listen, I'll be merciful with you but if you're coming with that same BS....
May the GODS be Merciful because I won't be!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Surpise Attack - There is a great difference between satisfaction and satiation.
There is a great difference between satisfaction and satiation.
311 1311
311 1311
There are times in our life when our first instinct is to advance and attack. It is, someone would say, a protect mechanism. I know that when I walked a human being, It was my first line of defense. I drew personal lines. Didn't have a circle of friends and never befriended a person without knowing why I should allow them to even "speak" my name. As a child, I was admired for my ability to look at people and know exactly what type of person that person was. In growing older, I kept that ability and I used it when I wanted to know whether or not I wanted to do business with a particular business or person.
Once I met a man, my senses stated to me daily that he was deceptive and cunning. We spoke on several occasions. Never truly letting my guard down (my senses running in the background) I realized we shared many things and yet there was so much more he should know. I knew in teaching him those things that he would let others knew what he knew but would never reveal the source from whence it came. When it began to happen, I watched as the deceptive practices developed. I noticed body language that let me know that the person was falling back to their old ways.
I asked the person to leave my existence, knowing that the spirit of deception and self had taken him over....
I saw him again and he was not at his best. Decided to help him and before you knew it, he opened his mouth and the deceptive practices he was accustomed to were spewing from his lips like vomit....
I am prayerful that he finds the light and walks in the truth of knowing that "Whatever you Think, You become." The journey you are about to embark on is not for one who loves. It is a walk for those who search their whole life for material things only to find that the material things aren't at all what you wanted. It is a place where you will do almost anything to make the heartaches go away. It is a walk for those who will be offered everything and anything for temporary love. I'll be praying for you and your family. Soon, you'll walk amongst the Night Walkers, seeking only self....
Remember, when you are ready to walk back towards the light:
Military strategists have a saying:
"Rather than act like the lord of the manor,
I would rather behave like a guest.
Rather than advance an inch,
I would rather retreat a foot."
"Rather than act like the lord of the manor,
I would rather behave like a guest.
Rather than advance an inch,
I would rather retreat a foot."
Advance upon them without going forward (SEE THE FUTURE)
Seize their property without even bearing arms. (GATHER YOUR GIFTS FOR GOOD)
Attack where there is no enemy. (SAVE YOUR BEST WORKS)
Prevail upon them without weapons. (WALK AWAY)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
What is it with that Number 8?
Ever since I can remember favorites, having favorite things, I can remember 8 being my favorite number. Something about the fluidity of the number a "0" being turned upon itself has fascinated me.
Eight turned on it's side is the sign for infinity, which I realized at 18 was all that we are and will ever be.
Eight untwisted is 0 beginning and end, everything and nothing. How fascinating 8 is...
Lately, I've been seeing 161 (1+6+1=8)
At first, I thought it was just a number that was going to fall in the lottery. I even got it in a couple of Quick Picks last we, disguised as 191 so I know it's surrounding me calling me to all and nothing, helping me to internalize the infinite wisdom of the ancients... but there is something more. So today, I've decided to do just a bit of research on the number eight. Diligently seeking what I do not know about the number and its properties.
Things I know about 8 that I've not mentioned above:
People born under 8 : You have the potential for enormous success and the possibility to accumulate great wealth. You are also a good judge of character a natural leader and a survivor.
Research things I didn't know:
In the religion of Zarathustra, there were eight instruments used for the cult: the Atashdan, reservoir for fire; the Havana or mortar; the Barecma, or beam of sacred palms; the Tali, tray of the offerings; the Tasta or cup of gold; the strainer with nine holes for the Homa; the Avand, vase for purifications; the Musrhabe, wash-hand basin for the priest.
Saint Francis of Assisi prayer contains eight requests to his GOD:
Eight turned on it's side is the sign for infinity, which I realized at 18 was all that we are and will ever be.
Eight untwisted is 0 beginning and end, everything and nothing. How fascinating 8 is...
Lately, I've been seeing 161 (1+6+1=8)
At first, I thought it was just a number that was going to fall in the lottery. I even got it in a couple of Quick Picks last we, disguised as 191 so I know it's surrounding me calling me to all and nothing, helping me to internalize the infinite wisdom of the ancients... but there is something more. So today, I've decided to do just a bit of research on the number eight. Diligently seeking what I do not know about the number and its properties.
Things I know about 8 that I've not mentioned above:
People born under 8 : You have the potential for enormous success and the possibility to accumulate great wealth. You are also a good judge of character a natural leader and a survivor.
- In China, the 8 expresses the totality of the universe
- Number of the balance and of the cosmic order, according to the Egyptians.
- Great "Tetrachtys"
- Hold "Shift" and hit 8 is a STAR on a keyboard
Research things I didn't know:
In the religion of Zarathustra, there were eight instruments used for the cult: the Atashdan, reservoir for fire; the Havana or mortar; the Barecma, or beam of sacred palms; the Tali, tray of the offerings; the Tasta or cup of gold; the strainer with nine holes for the Homa; the Avand, vase for purifications; the Musrhabe, wash-hand basin for the priest.
Saint Francis of Assisi prayer contains eight requests to his GOD:
- Lord, make me an instrument of peace.
- Where there is the hatred, let me put love.
- Where there is the offense, let me put forgiveness.
- Where there is the discord, let me put union.
- Where there is the error, let me put truth.
- Where there is the doubt, let me put faith.
- Where there is the despair, let me put hope.
- Where there is darkness, let me put light.
- Where there is the sadness, let me put the joy.
I call to now, to the fore-front of my memory, the newness of walking in the *8* Knowing and overstanding that I can change the Universe by keeping true to my beliefs and accepting the responsibility of BEING what I know....
8. Protection, justice
8. Eternal, spiral motion of cycles
8. Rhythm, vibration, alternate cycles
8. Thoughts, correction of previous error
8. Dissolution, revolution, separation, inspiration
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
In the midst of polarity
Divine completion 7777 Divine Judgement 9999
The pendulum's swing manifests in everything. The measure of the swing to right always measure the swing to the left. It is with great poise that I master this awareness. I will no longer be moved by the polarity of others.
Every effect has a cause and every cause has an effect that is the law. I rise above the law and become. I am now the Causer no longer the Effected.
I now dominate my mood, gifts, characters, qualities, lifestyle and spiritual elevation. I am the Master but I obey Causation. It is with great thought and meditation that this current life be filled with nothing but love. A love not understood by those who are no longer enlightened, to those who choose to serve self. They can no longer walk with me. Nor may they share in the voyage of Duality. Perfection is undoubted. I complete this work in the Divine numbers of completion 777 and judgment of self 9999
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Doe a Deer
To see a deer in your dream, symbolizes grace, compassion, gentleness, meekness and natural beauty. It has feminine qualities and may point to the feminine aspect within yourself. It also represents independence, alertness, and virility. Consider the symbol to be a pun for someone who is "dear" to you. Alternatively, the dream represents vulnerability and naivety. As a result, others may take advantage of you and your gullibility.
Doe a Deer a female deer, wait? Maybe it was a fawn. Aww heck, for now I'll just say it was a DEER.
I dreamt that I was in a restaurant waiting to be seated. When I see this deer coming from around a corner. The deer looks at me and telepathically says "YOU." I begin to laugh and say "YES, me!" Telepathically as well. Then the deer takes off chasing me. We run around the restaurant her (the deer) chasing me running and laughing....
I sit wondering now, who in the world would want to take advantage of a person who is so giving. Even in the face of adversity, I've given and will continue to give. I know which people don't have my best interest at hand. I know the people who only call or come to see me only come because they need/want some form of knowledge that I've obtained and yet, I give. Is it because I am naive? (Yes, if you're not enlightened) No, it's because I know the secret to this existence. I know what it takes to receive what I want from this Universe. I know that this universe is really only based on 7 simple principles. Those who know them are closest to knowing all there is to know about a human being. I know that the spirit man is encased in a physical presence on this earth and so it realizes, at some time that it is a spirit living in a human preset therefore it is learning to be human. With that applied as a formula, I am aware that to allow them....
Here in is written the law: There is balance.
Let me be fair and let you know that if you feel a person is using you, your love, your light; know that they are using their selves to balance what they do not have: no love, no light, no you. The balance is overstanding that. What's the difference between opposites? A degree.
Knowing that simply places me in a place that does not allow me to be used without utilzing. It is the balance. Here is an example:
Doe a Deer a female deer, wait? Maybe it was a fawn. Aww heck, for now I'll just say it was a DEER.
I dreamt that I was in a restaurant waiting to be seated. When I see this deer coming from around a corner. The deer looks at me and telepathically says "YOU." I begin to laugh and say "YES, me!" Telepathically as well. Then the deer takes off chasing me. We run around the restaurant her (the deer) chasing me running and laughing....
I sit wondering now, who in the world would want to take advantage of a person who is so giving. Even in the face of adversity, I've given and will continue to give. I know which people don't have my best interest at hand. I know the people who only call or come to see me only come because they need/want some form of knowledge that I've obtained and yet, I give. Is it because I am naive? (Yes, if you're not enlightened) No, it's because I know the secret to this existence. I know what it takes to receive what I want from this Universe. I know that this universe is really only based on 7 simple principles. Those who know them are closest to knowing all there is to know about a human being. I know that the spirit man is encased in a physical presence on this earth and so it realizes, at some time that it is a spirit living in a human preset therefore it is learning to be human. With that applied as a formula, I am aware that to allow them....
Here in is written the law: There is balance.
Let me be fair and let you know that if you feel a person is using you, your love, your light; know that they are using their selves to balance what they do not have: no love, no light, no you. The balance is overstanding that. What's the difference between opposites? A degree.
Knowing that simply places me in a place that does not allow me to be used without utilzing. It is the balance. Here is an example:
Picture your spirit floating, now picture yourself seeing 70 degrees. Is it 70 degrees hot or is it 70 degrees cold? Your spirit doesn't know because it doesn't feel either. It's not until you put on your earthly house that the condition is either perfect or not perfect (hot, warm or cold) for you.
Here is another example: Picture yourself doing something for someone who has hurt you. They come to you for help one day. You being the ultimate presence of Divine, go out of your way to help
them. They walk away, never saying thank you, never inviting you to dinner, their house, nothing. Did you help the person or did you help you? You actually helped yourself because you pushed passed the ability to live in a life of hatred, non-fulfillment or lack. You moved to the degree of comfortable. A place where you will gain abundantly.
Come to know that there is only a degree that makes good or bad, hot or cold, glad or sad. Remove the human, allow the spirit and see that none of that matters.
Remember, no one can do anything to you that you do not allow. It is understanding then overstanding the "Law of Balance" that will make all the difference.
Signed: Someone who used to hate another and swore never to forgive only to learn later that it's not me their using.....
Nam Myoho..........I commit myself to the Universal Law
Sunday, November 21, 2010
CANDLES? Be the light
![]() |
I lit a candle, stared into the flame 559 is the number I seen |
In my dreams this morning, or should I say "dreaming in my dreams" this morning there was one certain anomaly. What was that? CANDLES each time I opened my eyes, I saw candles. Not just three or five but hundreds and hundreds of candles. All were lit every flame symmetrical. Every flame was the same height and diameter. Come to think of it, not one of the flames flickered.
With this in mind, I searched the internet to see what "to dream of candles" meant**.
"To see a burning candle in your dream, signifies that good luck and hope will be coming your way in small and steady amounts. You are in a comfortable stage in your life and may be seeking spiritual enlightenment. Lit candles are also symbolic of intellect, enlightenment, awareness or the search for truth. "
One thing that comes to the forefront of memory right now, is that the candles never melted, no dripping wax, no wells of melted wax near the flame. Nothing to suggest that the candle was burning accept the flame. Funny thing about the interpretation above, when I was younger, I searched the world for the answer to "What Is" as soon as I found it, I knew what "I was Not." Since then, I've never looked again. I know enlightenment, I know truth, I know universal principles. I know that there is no such thing as luck. You just have to be aware that you are and that the Universe is all there is. From this human form to your celestial form...the Universe, is All there is...
I will admit that I've allowed myself to wonder, why people are so greedy? Do they live in a consistent world of "lack." If so, what can I do, to help them through that portion of their journey?
A small voice whispers to me...."There are those who are enlightened walking in truth, never wavering, firm and steady are they. They light the way for those who are trying to find their way. Continue to glow brightly, there are those who need your light to find their way home....BE"
Lit a candle
Stared into the flame
559 is the number, I seen
**Please, let me be clear, I didn't dream candles. As a matter of fact, I traveled all night long (stopping in many places, totally different story).
number interpretation given by sweet404peaches
light a candle 111 110 100 candles 207 2007 002 022 222 007 077 0777-777-7777 candle light 444 440 004 4444 4000 4888 candle 713 7013 - 700 770 777 013 597 012 702 206 1216 120 160
Thursday, November 18, 2010
955 9559 831 711 718 476 321
When I was younger, I used to wonder....Could a God who was jealous, despised treachery and judged us on everything we do be a loving God? I wondered, how could a God that told certain groups of people that it was okay to go in and possess a land be the same God that says love thy neighbor as thy self. Curious as I was, I would ask my parents, grand parents and pastors/priests how could these thing be? "If God isn't confused, then why does he contradict himself every other sentence?" I asked my gran dad one day. I'll never forget that smack across the butt and my grandad saying "don't you ever question God! Don't you ever blaspheme or speak against him again in your life. God doesn't like ugly and that's pretty darn ugly!"
As I grew older, I began studying lots of religions, catholics, baptist, voo doo, enlightenment, you name it, I've probably read a book on it or tried to apply a practice in some form of my life. From those studies I've learned a lot of things. I've learned that the One True Creator is really universal balance. Not to be debated; only because people have been taught to incorrectly share whatever religious practice they chose to stick with and since perception is reality, unless a person is looking for the truth, they're happy living a lie, I mean their on since of what the truth is...
It's funny, in almost all religions it's never looked upon "nicely" to murder. Thou shalt not kill, to take a life is to place your life into servitude, etc. I've never quite understood why people aren't disgusted at the humans who spray products that kill bugs on contact or cringe at the people who grind grits and add sugar, sprinkle it around their house and place plenty of water near by to kill ants (they don't have room enough room in their stomachs for the expansion of the "grit" after it drinks water so it actually explodes. I wonder about those people who say they wouldn't kill any thing and then smack their arm to kill the mosquito who's only purpose for landing on you in the first place was to try and find food to feed itself and it's children.
Hmmh, I'm saying to myself as I sit across from this lady in this restaurant? I'm a "Christian, I love the Lord with all my heart and I obey his commandments! She says. And before you know it, without warning a huge roach is crawling across the table, she's very upset and she seems to be looking for something and before you know it she smashes the roach and turns to me and says "Oh my word! Did you just see that huge roach? How disgusting! What's the rating in here? 95, they must have gotten marked down because of the roaches?" I'm looking at my laptop as an ant runs across my screen, I then look at her smiling and she says, what are you smiling at? I say, "Thou shalt not kill!"
I'm awake now and penning this brief little dream. Wondering what the meaning of "dreaming about a roach" really means? Hmmh, I think I'll shower and go to that restaurant, will I see her there? Will she kill the roach? On the Creator knows for sure, but I'm on a mission to find the roach and let him know before someone sits down, you better not show yourself today.....
As I grew older, I began studying lots of religions, catholics, baptist, voo doo, enlightenment, you name it, I've probably read a book on it or tried to apply a practice in some form of my life. From those studies I've learned a lot of things. I've learned that the One True Creator is really universal balance. Not to be debated; only because people have been taught to incorrectly share whatever religious practice they chose to stick with and since perception is reality, unless a person is looking for the truth, they're happy living a lie, I mean their on since of what the truth is...
It's funny, in almost all religions it's never looked upon "nicely" to murder. Thou shalt not kill, to take a life is to place your life into servitude, etc. I've never quite understood why people aren't disgusted at the humans who spray products that kill bugs on contact or cringe at the people who grind grits and add sugar, sprinkle it around their house and place plenty of water near by to kill ants (they don't have room enough room in their stomachs for the expansion of the "grit" after it drinks water so it actually explodes. I wonder about those people who say they wouldn't kill any thing and then smack their arm to kill the mosquito who's only purpose for landing on you in the first place was to try and find food to feed itself and it's children.
Hmmh, I'm saying to myself as I sit across from this lady in this restaurant? I'm a "Christian, I love the Lord with all my heart and I obey his commandments! She says. And before you know it, without warning a huge roach is crawling across the table, she's very upset and she seems to be looking for something and before you know it she smashes the roach and turns to me and says "Oh my word! Did you just see that huge roach? How disgusting! What's the rating in here? 95, they must have gotten marked down because of the roaches?" I'm looking at my laptop as an ant runs across my screen, I then look at her smiling and she says, what are you smiling at? I say, "Thou shalt not kill!"
I'm awake now and penning this brief little dream. Wondering what the meaning of "dreaming about a roach" really means? Hmmh, I think I'll shower and go to that restaurant, will I see her there? Will she kill the roach? On the Creator knows for sure, but I'm on a mission to find the roach and let him know before someone sits down, you better not show yourself today.....
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Dancing with Wolves
@AGF310: dance 181 861 603 176 640 9241
@willwrk4numbers: wolf 1906 0123
I was told as a child to dream of wolves was to watch for betrayal, some one near and dear to you will cause you harm. I wondered about that and set off on my merry way to research the meaning of the wolf or wolves.
First I believed the above thoughts of those around me because I had always heard things like "He's a wolf in sheeps clothing!" In Red Riding Hood, the wolf tricked and devoured people. But in life and in nature, I found just the opposite. The wolf/wolves are a group of dogs that are protective of their young, live in a form of unity and above all they hunt together. When one eats, they all eat!
This morning before the earth tilted on her axis and (yes I call the earth a her because she brings forth and carries life). The Universe is male. Whole different story. Maybe one day we'll talk about it? Let's get back to the wolves....
This morning, before the earth tilted on her axis, I heard a sound. At first, I thought it was a man wailing in pain or remorse. The more I tuned in the more I realized that it wasn't crying but a howling some form of notification that what I was looking for was near at hand. As I breathed in that moment, I levitated and landed in a pack of wolves. I didn't shape shift or anything of that nature but they accepted me and as soon as I got a nudge from the Alpha male, I began dancing. The dance was of accomplishment a dance of victory a moment of feeling satisfied beyond measure. It was good!
So this morning, take a moment, breath let your spirit guide you and and allow yourself to dance in the moment of your victories. Be moved to triumph, and know that going through is just that! You're still moving and going through it's a tunnel you have to pass through so that those around you can be confident in knowing that on the other side of the tunnel where there is light, there is a dance of victory waiting on you and them.
P.S. I'm not naive, I know who is out to do me harm and who is cunning and I'm aware of why they are doing, what they are doing. So, I'm praying for your recovery. Lying and deceit is a disease!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Dressed in all Black..
Not sure if it was a repeating dream of a repeating vision
Two men kept walking up to me. They kept saying
"Dressed in all black like the Omen"
Life is funny some how? Any way, I've been traveling locally this month. When I say locally, I meant that I might drive to Hicory, NC then over to Alabama and then back to Atlanta. Any how, I was traveling last night and had to pull over.
You know the one thing I love about 24hr Walmart? It's the ability to pull into their parking lot, lock you doors and fall asleep, the restrooms are open all night and you can have fresh fruit for breakfast (lol). Learned that from a couple of "TRUCKERS."
On with the story:
So I'm sleeping or atleast I think I'm sleeping when I see these two men walking up to my truck, I sit up to see if I'm awake or asleep, still not certain, and they start rapping like "Lil Kim" "Dressed in all black like the Omen." I closed my eyes again, and right when I started falling black sleep, they began walking to my truck again, saying the same thing....I focused in this time trying to get some idea of what the actual omen was and I realized, that the one on the left hand side had on white clothing but the other, on the left, only had a face, a silhoutte of a body (not invisible but you could see right through him.)
Ga: 623 turning 953
Mi: 729 turning 756
Oh: 428 turning 458
Friday, November 12, 2010
Falling Leaves
Dreamt I could hear a mans voice whispering
"704, 709 stop playing eveything else. Just do what I tell you."
"It's November and when leaves fall they flip over and over..."
"Do you understand?"
I nodded yes.
The big tall man has a voice? Normally when he comes I never hear "his" voice, but this morning, twice.
The second thing I remembered is the imagery. I imagined the leaves falling and as I did I realized that as they fall, they do flip over and over. With that in mind, I began to look back on several posting of peoples numbers and I realized that in the fall, the majority of the numbers are not mirroring but flipping over like the leaves, 6's are 9's -- 2's are 5's, hmmh, I thought to myself, every year I say that I'll notice but just as sure as summer turns to fall, I forget....but never again.
With that called to my consious, I wanted to call it to yours as well. If things seem to be off, if things seem topsy turvy, it's because there turning over and over, kinda like the planets turning on their axis continually rotating in all things, life is about balance and with out roation there would never be hot and cold, one side of the planet would have the sun, the other none. And o it is with the balance it must be with the numbers. Fall has brought a turning point..., so heres to us and our journeys of turning over a new leaf...
Let it be a blessing
709 turning 706 096 0679
968 turning 698 9689
728 turning 758 658 7568
4410 mirroring 9910
16 turning 19
46 turning 49
14 mirroring 19
Monday, November 8, 2010
If pigs could fly...
I dreamt I was standing in a herd of pigs,
all the pigs looked exactly alike but 3.
In dreams pigs denote exceptionally good news or a stroke of luck. The dream could
also mean impossible goals - we say "Yeahhhh and if Pigs Could Fly"
when we don't believe something will ever happen.
Sometimes in this life our goals and expectations seem impossible. It may be due to our upbringing, the thoughts of our parents teachings or accepting failure (I don't believe in failure, I just believe you've not found the way to make it work, YET.)
There are only doers and don'ters. If you do it, you're a doer, if you don't do it, you're a don'ter and if you tell someone it won't work, you're a don'ter as well because in all actuallity, you're telling them don't even try. I decided long ago, NO ONE decides my destiny. If the Creator had the intestinal fortitude to let me decide what IS, then a person who has no idea of why there really is only an X chromosome,* can't determine what I am or am not.
As children we have some of the greatest imaginations! There is no impossible, we have yellow grass, purple skies, cars with invisible bodies. We touch starts speak to those angels that we see as imaginary friends and we drink and eat what others will tell us is imaginary. It's not unti the people who have been told don't, not and no interact with us that we begin to believe them and not ourselves. It's time for you to get back to who you really are, to embrace the main characteristic of made you see endless possibilities, to embrace the dreams you've always dreamt and never tell a soul.
This little piggy went to market (they built a product to sell)
This little piggy stayed home (they kept their home in order)
This little piggy had roast beef (you can be a Chef)
This little piggy had none (are you outta your mind? Don't do that!)
This little piggy said "Wee, Wee, Wee, all the way home. (Wee, I know I say it every time I get on a swing, ride a roller coaster, or have the time of my life)
Failure is just SUCCESSFULLY finding a million ways that something doesn't work.
Yes, pigs can fly. I've seen them on planes...WEEEEEEEEE!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Just Good Food thanking the Creator...
How things have changed. I remember when my office was right around the corner from this little known restaurant. I remembered when they opened, the power outages, blah blah blah.
On my first visit to Urban Pl8, it was super empty, I could sit anywhere I wanted and bask in the thought of knowing that in this part of town it still felt cozy. FLASH FOWARD
I'm sitting in Urban Pl8 right now eating the Chicken Pest Om. What? you say. You're not eating your favorite Urban PL8 dish? No, I decided to try something different. I did drive over here for my favorite which is the My favorite dish here is the Illy's nut burger. But I just started working out and I decided I'd try the Chicken Pesto Om. because I needed the protein for the first couple of days.
Ok, so how was it? AWESOME. Light, refreshing tasty and filling. On a scale of 1 to 10, I rank Urban Pl8 a resounding 8. The only reason they don't get a 10 is because if you sit at the bar, people are more likely to kick you seat, no matter how you turn the bar stool.
P.S. The staff is great, the service good, and the food portions are good.
The coffee is mediocre? It has some weird kinda taste, like a cross between coffee and non-sweetened ice tea?
Stop on over, but get there early on Sunday, they're getting popular and you may have to wait for a space or sit at the bar.
Happy eating.
OH YEAH, Did I mention they have free WI-FI? That's always a plus for someone like me!
How things have changed. I remember when my office was right around the corner from this little known restaurant. I remembered when they opened, the power outages, blah blah blah.
On my first visit to Urban Pl8, it was super empty, I could sit anywhere I wanted and bask in the thought of knowing that in this part of town it still felt cozy. FLASH FOWARD
I'm sitting in Urban Pl8 right now eating the Chicken Pest Om. What? you say. You're not eating your favorite Urban PL8 dish? No, I decided to try something different. I did drive over here for my favorite which is the My favorite dish here is the Illy's nut burger. But I just started working out and I decided I'd try the Chicken Pesto Om. because I needed the protein for the first couple of days.
Ok, so how was it? AWESOME. Light, refreshing tasty and filling. On a scale of 1 to 10, I rank Urban Pl8 a resounding 8. The only reason they don't get a 10 is because if you sit at the bar, people are more likely to kick you seat, no matter how you turn the bar stool.
P.S. The staff is great, the service good, and the food portions are good.
The coffee is mediocre? It has some weird kinda taste, like a cross between coffee and non-sweetened ice tea?
Stop on over, but get there early on Sunday, they're getting popular and you may have to wait for a space or sit at the bar.
Happy eating.
OH YEAH, Did I mention they have free WI-FI? That's always a plus for someone like me!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
LOVE, 4 simple letters? Maybe not
Ask anyone in this world what love is and they'll give you verbs, actions words like: caring, feeling, wanting, etc. never what it is. I used to BE a person who felft that love was the dumbest thing in this universe. I thought it made people stay with people who they knew, wrongfully treated them, It made people lose their jobs, it made people crazy. Yet, it made the world more harmonius, when people are in love, I thought, they are less likely to be hurtful, less likely to kill one another, you know, things like that.
FLASH FORWARD: I remember waking up one morning saying to myself "Today, I'll find the essence of the word "LOVE."
LOVE is a word, like Karma or Computer. It holds no significant value without action. Therefore, love in it's true form, without boundaries or defintions is an ever evolving manifestation of energies looking for synergy. It is what binds us as humans - being. It means very much or very little depending on the actions expressed. Think about it for a moment. Let it radiate through your presence, let ring through your spirit, allow it to permeate your being. Then put it into action: From my heart to yours: 1 4 3
COMPLEX: 143 is the sum of three consecutive primes (43 + 47 + 53),
as well as the sum of seven consecutive primes (11 + 13 + 17 + 19 + 23 +29 + 31)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Pain Pushes until Persistence Pulls
Pain Pushes until Persistence Pulls is what I keep hearing today.
The only thing I can make sense of is that there must be some form of pain before a break through, kinda like going in labor.
There is this unbearable pain during labor, you can't describe it, you can't phanthom why bringing forth life has to be this painful, You curse EVE or whomever you've been told is the reason for the discomfort during the labor and even though you don't say it, in the back of your mind, you keep saying, I'll never get pregnant again. I'll never go through this again.
The closer the contractions become, the longer the pain seems to last. For some women, it seems to be one long painful moment that last for hours, for some minutes. Labor Pain can last anywhere from 1 hour and 40 mins. That was my experience to being in pain for 48 hours or more.....
There are times during the delivery process that you're told not to push but to breath. You ask the people who are telling you not to push "But, I can't help it, the pain is too great... They say "just breathe take your mind off the pain, focus and breathe..."
Joyfully, after what seems like the pain is going to make you pass out, you deliver and as quickly as the night you conceived, you forget about the pain, you can't remember anything but the joy that you've brought forth. The manifestation of someone who quickly caused you so much pain now causes you the same type of joy and pleasure and it's undescribable. There are no words.
FLASH FORWARD: Karma, what does this have to do with the lottery?
Wel,, everything. I've been sitting here thinking about my LP Family and how I can make a way for us all to reap the joy and live through the moments of our pains. I want to tell you all "Just Breathe" I know you want to push but it's not time yet. I know you need a hit today but you can't force the universe and timing. There is a balance that allows for the Miracle. Take a moment to visualize your victory, to see beyond when you were first impregnated by that number. Some of us having been in labor for moments, others months. BREATHE
Now that you're relaxed, we can all work in alliance to bring forth something beautiful: We all know that everyone is waiting on a triple: RIGHT? 756 brings 777 and vice versa and 756 has been all across the country so let's all meditate on one number. Let it be the number that brings forth life into our LP FAMILY. Not sure which *777 # to breathe life over?
I'll suggest one: 7277 If this one doesn't bring a vibrational harmony for you, then tell us which one does and we'll stand in agreement with you until it hits your state.
Remember, you can't impregnate yourself! It takes 2 and if we all agree, it shall be so... NAMASTE
Just being me
Ok, every one knows that I'm a huge Gematria nut! I love anything numerical but MATH. I suffer from PEMD. Post Elementary Math Disorder (lol). Just kidding. I don't do math well but I know all there is to know about numbers. I've been called a prodigitalians( a person who is always counting), a number head, a numerologist etc and I love them all but I can't say that I'm any of those.
Right now, I'm reading a really good book. "Math for Mystics" by Renna Shesso, if you love numbers like I do, You'll enjoy this. It's an easy read, I read half the book before I purchased it. Just thought I'd take it home because I love it's vibration.
Any way, I'm loving these numbers for the month of November:
9 Leader: 999 910 9801, 9981, 9909
8 Leader: 836 818
7 Leader: 756 703 377 777 7277
6 Leader: 627 679 6201
5 Leader: 555 550 551 5000 5550
4 Leader: 411 4215
3 Leader: 321 377 307 377 3201
2 Leader: 268 263 261 2601
1 Leader: 101 1110 1111
0 Leader: 000 0000
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
React - Remember - Recommend
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React-Remember-Recommend |
Knowing when to ask for a referral is a big part of the challenge. There are three ideal times to be in asking mode.
In the beginning: Ask clients, friends & family, "Do you know anyone who is in need of the business I offer?" It helps to plant a seed that may sprout at any moment.
While the iron is hot. During the course of your project, when your client is "ecstatic about your work, remind them that you'd appreciat a referral.
At the close of business. Your client is thrilled. Tide that momentum and ask them to connect you witht the people they know.
You know promotion of your product or service is the only way that your clients and potential clients are going to find you and utilize your services. You also know that a referral is better than just about any piece of marketing material you'll ever use right?
With this in mind, let's walk through a few self-promotion steps to get your company that extra added boost it needs.
Step 1: Treat your clients like royalty! Serving your clients and giving them exceptional work is the foundation of cultivating referrals. Yes, it sounds very simple but a lot of business owners do just enough to get the job done. In today's world with so many additional options, you can't afford to take the mediocre approach. Do great and you'll have great.
Step 2: Ask. Every client you know either knows a potential client or someone who knows someone who needs your company. Don't ask "Do you know some in the entertainment industry?" Ask, Do you know anyone in the marketing department of ...?" Be specific when asking them and they'll give you just the type of client referral you've been looking for.
Step 3: Thank them. When the client has been given the final finished product thank them for using your company. Remember, your most happiest clients become an extension on your marketing dept. When they refer a client, thank them again for referring that client. They'll feel greatly appreciated.
Step 4: Infom. You may not think it's necessary but if your clients have an idea of how the referral project went, they'll be happy to refer again. No, you don't have to tell them every detail but making it a point to contact them and let them know how the project is coming helps to build bonafide relationships.
Friday, September 24, 2010
It's National Punctuation Day
Don't try and describe the future, see, then be the future. Your clients expect that and so much more from your brand!
I'm not a "Shouter!!" although I know so many of them. What is the purpose of an exclamation point?
Exclamation points are used to indicate strong feelings or high volume, and often marks the end of a sentence.
Want people to know you're passionate about your typed wording or text?
Want to shout to the virtual world? Use ! Please oh please remember this:
Exclamation points
And question marks together?
Only in comics and when you're saying "Ya feel me?" lol, smh
Last but not least, if you use "a" with words that begin with a consonant sounds like a vowel, then you're incorrect. You're supposed to use "an" example - an MD (emm d) an MBA
All hail punctuation!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
KarmaO aka Karma Oviquio
Being ready isn't enough; you have to be prepared for a promotion or any other significant change. Pat Riley
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