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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dressed in all Black..

Not sure if it was a repeating dream of a repeating vision
Two men kept walking up to me.  They kept saying
"Dressed in all black like the Omen"

Life is funny some how?  Any way, I've been traveling locally this month.  When I say locally, I meant that I might drive to Hicory, NC then over to Alabama and then back to Atlanta.  Any how, I was traveling last night and had to pull over.  
You know the one thing I love about 24hr Walmart?  It's the ability to pull into their parking lot, lock you doors and fall asleep, the restrooms are open all night and you can have fresh fruit for breakfast (lol).  Learned that from a couple of "TRUCKERS."

On with the story:
So I'm sleeping or atleast I think I'm sleeping when I see these two men walking up to my truck, I sit up to see if I'm awake or asleep, still not certain, and they start rapping like "Lil Kim"  "Dressed in all black like the Omen."  I closed my eyes again, and right when I started falling black sleep, they began walking to my truck again, saying the same thing....I focused in this time trying to get some idea of what the actual omen was and I realized, that the one on the left hand side had on white clothing but the other, on the left,  only had a face, a silhoutte of a body (not invisible but you could see right through him.)

Coming up out of the dresion (dream-vision) I continued to tell myself, the first thing you write or say must be that "we know the difference between what we do, why we do it and what the outcomes will be.  Look for the black and you'll see clearly through to the right perspective."

Ga:  623 turning 953
Mi:  729 turning 756
Oh:  428 turning 458

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