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Friday, November 5, 2010

Pain Pushes until Persistence Pulls

Pain Pushes until Persistence Pulls is what I keep hearing today.

The only thing I can make sense of is that there must be some form of pain before a break through, kinda like going in labor.
There is this unbearable pain during labor, you can't describe it, you can't phanthom why bringing forth life has to be this painful, You curse EVE or whomever you've been told is the reason for the discomfort during the labor and even though you don't say it, in the back of your mind, you keep saying, I'll never get pregnant again.  I'll never go through this again.

The closer the contractions become, the longer the pain seems to last.  For some women, it seems to be one long painful moment that last for hours, for some minutes.  Labor Pain can last anywhere from 1 hour and 40 mins.  That was my experience to being in pain for 48 hours or more.....
There are times during the delivery process that you're told not to push but to breath.  You ask the people who are telling you not to push "But, I can't help it, the pain is too great... They say "just breathe take your mind off the pain, focus and breathe..."

Joyfully, after what seems like the pain is going to make you pass out, you deliver and as quickly as the night you conceived, you forget about the pain, you can't remember anything but the joy that you've brought forth.  The manifestation of someone who quickly caused you so much pain now causes you the same type of joy and pleasure and it's undescribable.  There are no words.

FLASH FORWARD:  Karma, what does this have to do with the lottery?

Wel,, everything.  I've been sitting here thinking about my LP Family and how I can make a way for us all to reap the joy and live through the moments of our pains.  I want to tell you all "Just Breathe"  I know you want to push but it's not time yet.  I know you need a hit today but you can't force the universe and timing.  There is a balance that allows for the Miracle.  Take a moment to visualize your victory, to see beyond when you were first impregnated by that number.  Some of us having been in labor for moments, others months.  BREATHE

Now that you're relaxed, we can all work in alliance to bring forth something beautiful:  We all know that everyone is waiting on a triple: RIGHT?  756 brings 777 and vice versa and 756 has been all across the country so let's all meditate on one number.  Let it be the number that brings forth life into our LP FAMILY.  Not sure which *777 # to breathe life over?

I'll suggest one: 7277  If this one doesn't bring a vibrational harmony for you, then tell us which one does and we'll stand in agreement with you until it hits your state.
Remember, you can't impregnate yourself! It takes 2 and if we all agree, it shall be so... NAMASTE

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