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Monday, November 8, 2010

If pigs could fly...

I dreamt I was standing in a herd of pigs, 
all the pigs looked exactly alike but 3.

In dreams pigs denote exceptionally good news or a stroke of luck. The dream could 
also mean impossible goals - we say "Yeahhhh and if Pigs Could Fly"
when we don't believe something will ever happen.

Sometimes in this life our goals and expectations seem impossible.  It may be due to our upbringing, the thoughts of our parents teachings or accepting failure (I don't believe in failure, I just believe you've not found the way to make it work, YET.)

There are only doers and don'ters.  If you do it, you're a doer, if you don't do it, you're a don'ter and if you tell someone it won't work, you're a don'ter as well because in all actuallity, you're telling them don't even try.  I decided long ago, NO ONE decides my destiny.  If the Creator had the intestinal fortitude to let me decide what IS, then a person who has no idea of why there really is only an X chromosome,*  can't determine what I am or am not.

As children we have some of the greatest imaginations!  There is no impossible, we have yellow grass, purple skies, cars with invisible bodies.  We touch starts speak to those angels that we see as imaginary friends and we drink and eat what others will tell us is imaginary.  It's not unti the people who have been told don't, not and no interact with us that we begin to believe them and not ourselves.  It's time for you to get back to who you really are, to embrace the main characteristic of made you see endless possibilities, to embrace the dreams you've always dreamt and never tell a soul.

This little piggy went to market (they built a product to sell)
This little piggy stayed home (they kept their home in order)
This little piggy had roast beef (you can be a Chef)
This little piggy had none (are you outta your mind?  Don't do that!)
This little piggy said "Wee, Wee, Wee, all the way home. (Wee, I know I say it every time I get on a swing, ride a roller coaster, or have the time of my life)

Failure is just SUCCESSFULLY finding a million ways that something doesn't work.  

Yes, pigs can fly.  I've seen them on planes...WEEEEEEEEE!

*"y" chromosomes are deformed "X's" one side of the x is shortened while the other side tries to balance the anomaly by growing longer...

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