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Monday, November 29, 2010

Surpise Attack - There is a great difference between satisfaction and satiation.

There is a great difference between satisfaction and satiation.
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There are times in our life when our first instinct is to advance and attack.  It is, someone would say, a protect mechanism.  I know that when I walked a human being, It was my first line of defense.  I drew personal lines.  Didn't have a circle of friends and never befriended a person without knowing why I should allow them to even "speak" my name.  As a child, I was admired for my ability to look at people and know exactly what type of person that person was.  In growing older, I kept that ability and I used it when I wanted to know whether or not I wanted to do business with a particular business or person.

Once I met a man, my senses stated to me daily that he was deceptive and cunning.  We spoke on several occasions.  Never truly letting my guard down (my senses running in the background) I realized we shared many things and yet there was so much more he should know.  I knew in teaching him those things that he would let others knew what he knew but would never reveal the source from whence it came.  When it began to happen, I watched as the deceptive practices developed.  I noticed body language that let me know that the person was falling back to their old ways.

I asked the person to leave my existence, knowing that the spirit of deception and self had taken him over....

I saw him again and he was not at his best.  Decided to help him and before you knew it, he opened his mouth and the deceptive practices he was accustomed to were spewing from his lips like vomit....
I am prayerful that he finds the light and walks in the truth of knowing that "Whatever you Think, You become."  The journey you are about to embark on is not for one who loves.  It is a walk for those who search their whole life for material things only to find that the material things aren't at all what you wanted.  It is a place where you will do almost anything to make the heartaches go away.  It is a walk for those who will be offered everything and anything for temporary love.  I'll be praying for you and your family.  Soon, you'll walk amongst the Night Walkers, seeking only self....

Remember, when you are ready to walk back towards the light:

Military strategists have a saying:
"Rather than act like the lord of the manor,
I would rather behave like a guest.
Rather than advance an inch,
I would rather retreat a foot."

Advance upon them without going forward (SEE THE FUTURE)
Seize their property without even bearing arms. (GATHER YOUR GIFTS FOR GOOD)
Attack where there is no enemy.  (SAVE YOUR BEST WORKS)
Prevail upon them without weapons. (WALK AWAY)

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