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Thursday, November 25, 2010

What is it with that Number 8?

Ever since I can remember favorites, having favorite things, I can remember 8 being my favorite number.  Something about the fluidity of the number a "0" being turned upon itself has fascinated me.
Eight turned on it's side is the sign for infinity, which I realized at 18 was all that we are and will ever be.
Eight untwisted is 0 beginning and end, everything and nothing.  How fascinating 8 is...


Lately, I've been seeing 161 (1+6+1=8)
At first, I thought it was just a number that was going to fall in the lottery.  I even got it in a couple of Quick Picks last we, disguised as 191 so I know it's surrounding me calling me to all and nothing, helping me to internalize the infinite wisdom of the ancients... but there is something more.  So today, I've decided to do just a bit of research on the number eight.  Diligently seeking what I do not know about the number and its properties. 

Things I know about 8 that I've not mentioned above:
People born under 8 :  You have the potential for enormous success and the possibility to accumulate great wealth. You are also a good judge of character a natural leader and a survivor.
  • In China, the 8 expresses the totality of the universe
    • Number of the balance and of the cosmic order, according to the Egyptians. 
    • Great "Tetrachtys" 
    • Hold "Shift" and hit 8 is a STAR on a keyboard

Research things I didn't know:
In the religion of Zarathustra, there were eight instruments used for the cult: the Atashdan, reservoir for fire; the Havana or mortar; the Barecma, or beam of sacred palms; the Tali, tray of the offerings; the Tasta or cup of gold; the strainer with nine holes for the Homa; the Avand, vase for purifications; the Musrhabe, wash-hand basin for the priest.

Saint Francis of Assisi prayer contains eight requests to his GOD:
  1. Lord, make me an instrument of peace.
  2. Where there is the hatred, let me put love.
  3. Where there is the offense, let me put forgiveness.
  4. Where there is the discord, let me put union.
  5. Where there is the error, let me put truth.
  6. Where there is the doubt, let me put faith.
  7. Where there is the despair, let me put hope.
  8. Where there is darkness, let me put light.
  9. Where there is the sadness, let me put the joy. 
I call to now, to the fore-front of my memory, the newness of walking in the *8*  Knowing and overstanding that I can change the Universe by keeping true to my beliefs and accepting the responsibility of BEING what I know....

8. Protection, justice  
8. Eternal, spiral motion of cycles
8. Rhythm, vibration, alternate cycles
8. Thoughts, correction of previous error 
8. Dissolution, revolution, separation, inspiration 



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