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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Doe a Deer

To see a deer in your dream, symbolizes grace, compassion, gentleness, meekness and natural beauty. It has feminine qualities and may point to the feminine aspect within yourself. It also represents independence, alertness, and virility. Consider the symbol to be a pun for someone who is "dear" to you. Alternatively, the dream represents vulnerability and naivety. As a result, others may take advantage of you and your gullibility.

Doe a Deer a female deer, wait?  Maybe it was a fawn.  Aww heck, for now I'll just say it was a DEER.
I dreamt that I was in a restaurant waiting to be seated.  When I see this deer coming from around a corner.  The deer looks at me and telepathically says "YOU."  I begin to laugh and say "YES, me!" Telepathically as well.  Then the deer takes off chasing me.  We run around the restaurant her (the deer) chasing me running and laughing....

I sit wondering now, who in the world would want to take advantage of a person who is so giving.  Even in the face of adversity, I've given and will continue to give.  I know which people don't have my best interest at hand.   I know the people who only call or come to see me only come because they need/want some form of knowledge that I've obtained and yet, I give.  Is it because I am naive? (Yes, if you're not enlightened) No, it's because I know the secret to this existence.  I know what it takes to receive what I want from this Universe.  I know that this universe is really only based on 7 simple principles.  Those who know them are closest to knowing all there is to know about a human being.  I know that the spirit man is encased in a physical presence on this earth and so it realizes, at some time that it is a spirit living in a human preset therefore it is learning to be human.  With that applied as a formula, I am aware that to allow them....

Here in is written the law:  There is balance.

Let me be fair and let you know that if you feel a person is using you, your love, your light; know that they are using their selves to balance what they do not have:  no love, no light, no you.  The balance is overstanding that.  What's the difference between opposites?  A degree.

 Knowing that simply places me in a place that does not allow me to be used without utilzing.  It is the balance.  Here is an example:

Picture your spirit floating, now picture yourself seeing 70 degrees.  Is it 70 degrees hot or is it 70 degrees cold?  Your spirit doesn't know because it doesn't feel either.  It's not until you put on your earthly house that the condition is either perfect or not perfect (hot, warm or cold) for you.

Here is another example:  Picture yourself doing something for someone who has hurt you.  They come to you for help one day.  You being the ultimate presence of Divine, go out of your way to help
them.  They walk away, never saying thank you, never inviting you to dinner, their house, nothing.  Did you help the person or did you help you?  You actually helped yourself because you pushed passed the ability to live in a life of hatred, non-fulfillment or lack.  You moved to the degree of comfortable.  A place where you will gain abundantly.  

Come to know that there is only a degree that makes good or bad, hot or cold, glad or sad.  Remove the human, allow the spirit and see that none of that matters.
Remember, no one can do anything to you that you do not allow.  It is understanding then overstanding the "Law of Balance" that will make all the difference.  

Signed:  Someone who used to hate another and swore never to forgive only to learn later that it's not me their using.....

Nam Myoho..........I commit myself to the Universal Law


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