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There is an Omniscient Universal Consciousness

Which is the One reality upon which all else is dependent.
Being omniscient, THE One is beginning and end. 

IT does not see time linearly as mere mortals do. It sees the end from the beginning.  Hence, IT knows, right now, the details of all things at all times. This is the aspect of The One.  
The One is all there is!

CREATOR OF ALL THINGS: Lead ME to the knowledge of all things. Allow me to be a blessing by thoughts, words and deeds. 
I resonate and vibrate the ALL now and forever.

Karma Oviquio --- KarmaO

Today 9/24  

It's an Aries moon!! The Aries Moon makes people act through emotion rather than reason. Be considerate of people the next few days and think before you speak, react or act out .... As for me, I'll just say this - I'm an Aries with a Leo sun and a Leo cardinal. I don't pray for prey....