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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Play a Pair

From time to time I'll post pairs. These pairs will fall all over - The US

Please bear in mind, I vibrate in quite a few states so it may or may not play in Ga.

To play a pair: To play a pair double a number from The Pair or add a 0, 1 or your favorite number:

Pairs for Xmas: 72 49 35

72 = 772 722 720 721

49 = 449 499 490 491

35 = 335 355 350 351

These may fall as a 3 or 4 digit.

Just for a moment

I'm talking to a very close friend today. He says, "Karma, you've got to help me! I can tell when things are going to happen, kinda like you do. I can see something but I can't ever get to the end of a thing. I see me coming into a large amount of money and asking you what I should do with it but I can't see how it's coming or what happens after I get it."
My answer to him was very simple and I'll explain it to us all.
ANSWER: Just for a moment, stop being human!

FLASH into the NOW.

As humans, we're born into a season. We're on the physical plane for just a few "years" and then this existence is no more. Anything that is made by a human or anything that is human will surely decay, crumble or break down in some form or fashion. Yes, they say that some things will last forever but who will be here to find out whether or not that is "true." I won't digress!

When you add a "HUMAN" perspective to a dream of vision, it automatically begins to decay, If you see the passing of a "boy" in a dream or vision and automatically begin to wonder who and when, you give it a human face. You start to decay the vision.
When you're in a human state, you allow for breakdown...
I asked my close friend, "Did you sleep on a pillow last night?" He answered yes. What did you notice about the pillow? Did it become warm after your head was placed on it? Yes What else do you know about the pillow, I asked. He in turn told me everything he knew about the pillow. Look at the pillow until it's out of focus, clear your thoughts, what do you see? He was quiet, and then out of the silence he saw a woman, then a child, then himself. What do you feel, I asked. Rested, was his answer.


After a few more minutes he was able to understand that no matter what is going on around him if he added even the slightest bit of thought to what a thing could or couldn't be he created a portal for his human aspect and the communication became skewed. When we as spiritual people try to make sense of a dream or vision we detreriorate what the pure of essence of the message is.

In the now....

A lot of times when I dream, I will not try to figure out the dream. I go back and look for additional clues as to what it is that the Divine is speaking into my existence. I pick up vibrations from the numbers and they tell me a story. Just like the 1940 today. I searched our forum and my dream book and found out just what the DIVINE was telling me: here is just a bit of what has been said through the numbers
1: Unity (solidarity) it is physical & mental
4: Creation solidity (4 seasons, 4 elements
9: Judgement (internal attributes - balance)
0: All & Nothing (everything & nothing)

I don't ever try to assign what is going on in mu existence, I simply "overstand" that it IS. consider the verb "IS" it means to be. ALLOW THINGS TO "BE" stop putting your human understanding into things that are DIVINE! Just for a minute. Allow things to manifest, let them "BE"

The DIVINE has assigned all things! There will be things that we will know, things we will understand, things we will overstand but if you add the human aspect to all things, they'll diminish rapidly and you'll add something to it which shouldn't be there in the first place.

FOR THOSE OF US who understand our spiritual gifts....

There is greater knowing coming, there is an awakening that will precede all that you understand about your gifts. Remember not to try and force it. To do that is to add a human aspect to it. Your season will ebb and flow from the physical aspects. Make sure to stay hydrated and well nourished. If not, you'll have to take physical steps, meaning you'll need to write things down or do something "physical" to maintain the manifestations. Keep your physical self in order and the parting of the veil will be one that you won't think to measure. Everything, and I do mean everything will be revealed to you in season. Prepare yourself spiritually! We'll see and hear both sides The Law of the Pendulum will be in FULL EFFECT for us from now on.
The Spirit is moving and I am being obedient to the flow, I see the Multi-Verse swirling so I must stop the typing.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Spiritually on the right path

A while back, I got interested in Buddhism, I've studied many religions and after a horrible situation, now I realize it wasn't a bad situation for me but for the other person involved, I found a mantra.

This mantra beckoned to me. And for some reason, settled my spirit. I've not chanted the mantra nor thought about it after the hatred I had for this person and what I had allowed them to take me through had diminished.


On the plane yesterday, I closed my eyes for a brief second and saw what was considered yesterday, I was looking at myself in the mirror and then noticed that my right pinky finger was bleeding. It wasn't but the vision was so vivid I looked for a cut. I then flashed into CESS and realized that there is a space between and nothingness...

We'll talk about it soon. Anyhow, as I began to aerate into the nothingness I heard the mantra. It was very feint at first then a little more prominent. It radiates my presence! This morning as I awakened the mantra stayed with me and it is continually playing in my spirit as I pen this brief blog.

Om Mani Padme Hum (Sanskrit) or Om Mani Peme Hung (Tibetan)
it's simple meaning: Infinite Compassion

For Tibetan Buddhists, "jewel in the lotus" represents bodhichitta and the wish for liberation from the Six Realms

Bodhichitta -- "awakened heart-mind"
The Six Realms -- are an allegorical description of conditioned existence, or samsara, into which beings are reborn.

SIDE BAR: The realms are:

1. Deva-gati, the Realm of Devas (Gods) and Heavenly Beings
the Deva realm is populated by godlike beings who enjoy great power, wealth and long life. They live in splendor and happiness. Yet even the Deva grow old and die. Further, their privilege and exalted status blind them to the suffering of others, so in spite of their long lives they have neither wisdom nor compassion. The privileged Deva will be reborn in another of the Six Realms.

2. Asura-gati, the Realm of Asura (Titans)

the Asura this way: "Always desiring to be superior to others, having no patience for inferiors and belittling strangers; like a hawk, flying high above and looking down on others, and yet outwardly displaying justice, worship, wisdom, and faith -- this is raising up the lowest order of good and walking the way of the Asuras." You may have known an Asura or two.

3. Preta-gati, the Realm of Hungry Ghosts
Hungry ghosts (preta) are pictured as beings with huge, empty stomachs, but they have pinhole mouths, and their necks are so thin they cannot swallow. A hungry ghost is one who is always looking outside himself for the new thing that will satisfy the craving within. Hungry ghosts are characterized by insatiable hunger and craving. They are also associated with addiction, obsession and compulsion

4. Naraka-gati, the Hell Realm
As the name suggests, the Hell Realm is the most terrible of the Six Realms. Hell beings have a short fuse; everything makes them angry. And the only way hell beings deal with things that make them angry is through aggression -- attack, attack, attack! They drive away anyone who shows them love and kindness and seek out the company of other hell beings

5. Tiryagyoni-gati, the Animal Realm
Animal beings are marked by stupidity, prejudice and complacency. They live sheltered lives, avoiding discomfort or anything unfamiliar.

6. Manusya-gati, the Human Realm
The Human Realm is the only realm of the six from which beings may escape samsara.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Presque Vu

Every morning for the last 6 days, as I lay in the state of awakening, my spirit drifts back to this place that we call earth. As it does, I request the Universe to show me the way, to give me utterance to bless those in need and to assist me in doing my part to fuel the fires of creation...


As I lay there this morning, I realize that I'm having PRESQUE VU moments. It's not as bad as trying to remember a word, it's recalling people and places that I know I've been and yet know that I've not been here in this state. I know for a fact that I've had the experiences, I know for a fact that I've spoke to them, had things in common with them and made acquaintances and yet, to this day, I've not been able to call to memory in what dimension or plane or existence.

When it does make itself obvious, I'm sure there is a message! Until then, I'll rest in the knowing that ALL IS, that WE ARE and that there is no coincidence!

Vibrating in Oneness & Completeness 17

Thursday, September 1, 2011


In the last two days I've run into more doubles than I have in a very ling time.  Wondering, with a sense of urgency what new anomaly this will bring into my family existence in this universal dimension.  First it was the 11:11 then the 1737.  Yesterday 7474 and today 6365 and 7474 again. 

Incremental steps as I call to remembering the law of the pendulum.  Everything begins and ends here.  With the moon in Libra, its as if I can feel all emotions.  Empathy abilities are on high alert today.  Since the awareness is so intense, I've got to make my way to the AME that is calling to me.  As we walk to its doors, I feel the light that used to be here.  I get the feeling  that Ma'at also knows the since of oneness here.  It is a food and closure for me and a sense of knowing for her as we travel.

We can know without being taught, we can be without knowing.  Vibrating today in the fullness of all things positive.  9

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A beautiful day

The moon went into Libra today, balancing the earth axis as we transition from summer to fall.  It madme think of things line flip flops, lemonade, sandals, pedicures and all the things we will moss in just a few months.  With those thoughts, I began to remember also Tue things we take for granted, things like cool breezes, summer drives and things most treasured like moments of love. 
As stated earlier the moon is now in Libya for the next couple of days.  Time to conduct those much needed business meetings and romantic rendezvous we so desperately need.  Stay encouraged

Ashea Namaste.

Moon in Libra effects the the lower lumbar and kidneys  numerical association 99 and 125.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lunar Thoughts

When something is sacred to me, I take a moment to bless the Earth, the air and the multi-verse with the pouring of libations:

To union, I say Ashea and Namaste


The one true power which is the energy of life, the spirit within me, recognizes and honors the One Truth which is in you.

POUR LIBATIONS 63 162 163 266 711

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Teaching through

Got an I'M today from someone who not only hungup on me one day but this person had the intestinal fortitude to try and humilate me by ling about me to everyone we knew...

Flash forward.  I thought back on the last couple of moments before I totally cut off communication with this person.  I thought about how upset I was at the intent of this Gimp sapiens actions and my response to those actions.  I realized inn this moment that the person who intentfully tried to tarnished my reputation loved and does live on the moment if the say, never realizing that tomorrow is today.

With that said, Ive learned that the best way to teach someone the true meaning of being is to allow them to learn though your actions.  Mine have been perfectly spiritual.

Remember, not everyone is your enemy, they gave just served their purpose!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The saga continues

Three lives have I.
Gentle enough to soothe the skin,
Light enough to caress the sky,
Hard enough to crack rocks.
I AM...Running Water:

Friday, July 1, 2011

MOON IN LEO tomorrow late evening!

JULY 2, 2011
Lunar day 2 (careful with your emotions, the LEO moon makes you want to be noticed and IN need of a little extra affection). The Leo females will be in rare form, wanting more than they've ever seemed to want before. LEO males will seem like they don't have a care in the world but will be extra fussy over the smallest things!

LEO MOON: 29 92 83 109 245
LEO MOON: 8442 1445
MOON IN LEO: 42 105 112 120 157 294

Body parts affected:
HEART 50 52 128 411/441 194 4328
BACK: 8 17 178 388 243 5770

need to know more? Become a member of DREAM A NUMBER

Friday, June 10, 2011


You can change everything when you change your mind!

All the phenomenal world or universe is simply a Mental Creation of THE ALL, subject to the Laws of Created Things, and this universe, as a whole, and in its parts or units, has its existence in the Mind of THE ALL, in which Mind we “live and move and have our being.” This Principle, by establishing the Mental Nature of the Universe, easily explains all of the varied mental and psychic phenomena that occupy such a large portion of the public attention, and which, without such explanation, are non-understandable and defy scientific treatment.

Stay forever vigilant on your quest to become a more spiritually connected being. Remember always, commit this to your being, know it beyond everything mental:

Substantial Reality also known as “The Material Universe”; the “Phenomena of Life”; “Matter”; “Energy”; and in short, all that is apparent to our material senses) is SPIRIT, which in itself is UNKNOWABLE and UNDEFINABLE.


You can manifest your destiny if you but conquer this one little thought!

ALCHEMY: 27 67 63 112 167 467

Friday, May 27, 2011

Back to the playground

You know, you can learn a lot from children! Whenever my children were frustrated or couldn't gather their thoughts, I'd take them into the backyard and let them play in the dirt. When we had made the last tower or mud pie, I'd bring them back into the house, sometimes, I'd have to hose us off outside (lol). We'd rinse our hands and magically whatever disturbed them went away.

It is said... that we come from the earth and will return to the earth in the human existence and that's why I'm bringing this up to you today. Nothing washes away negativity better than to play in the dirt. So what I'm asking you to do today is play in the dirt or plant something. It can be a small flower. Make sure to get your hands dirty. When they are to the point of dirty, look at your hands and imagine it as the negative energy that has surrounded you thus far. Now, run the water, as you place your hands into the water, thank the DIVINE that negativity is like dirt and like all things that are dirty, they can be washed away. When your hands become free of the negativity, thank the DIVINE again that all is forgiven both in your world and the world of others that you may have given some form of negativity to as well.

If for any reason you feel a need to take flight, find a swing and swing as high as you can go. It's freed me so many times before and it's freed those that I care or cared enough to share the experience.

May the energy of LIFE fill you to overflowing and return to Ka.
May Ma'at find you and keep you in the light....

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sometimes folks just don't know what to say

I was in the streets today and someone asked me was it true. I said yes and they said "that's not what I heard. Is this her?" "Yes, this is" I said "why do you ask? They simply said, "I was just curious!"

I blessed them and sent them on their way. I pen this note to let anyone who comes across it know. That love won't ever say something about you that isn't true and it will never say something negative about you unless it says it to you first. If someone says they love you but all you hear from their friends, their family and those they associate with is negative things they say about you; they don't love you. They love something about you.

Love never, and I do repeat never, says things behind your back that it can't say in your face.

And for the person that said those things, I know you read here. I'll just say what I said to your face. There will come a day when you love someone the way that I loved you and they will do you the same as you did me. No matter where you turn or to whom you speak, they'll never here words from my mouth that I didn't say to you, first.

The most hurtful thing you could've have ever said was "I used to love you." You should have just been truthful and said, " loved what you used to do for me."

I am praying for your return to enlightenment. Until then, there is nothing we can ever talk about. Ma'at is and will be until the end.

That's what love does.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Polarity, liminal space:

For I am divided for love's sake, for the instance of union.
This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.....

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Kite in flight....

I remember when I was younger, how I loved to fly kites.  To me, they symbolized freedom, the ability to soar and unlimited potential.  Then I reached what I call 'my alchemist' years I realized that the kite was not a symbol of freedom but one of control...

As a kite, I would be free to fly but only as far as someone would allow me to go.
As a kite, Some one would tell me how high to fly.
As a kite, I would be used for a few short months and then be put away.
As a kite, I would catch the wind but be controlled by someone else's fear of losing control.

I ascend not as air.  I am a kite but one given the power to manipulate my own strings, soar as I see fit and bring forth ideas that travel like the wind. 

Those that dream of me, know that to do so, means prosperity.  Those who dream of losing control of the string that holds me realizes that they have lost control of things that matter only to them.

As a kite, I am used to celebrate the wind, spring and birth......

FREEDOM LIES WITHIN...Let go of the string

A Japanese dictionary dated 981 AD was the first to record the Japanese word for kite and used the characters for "Kami Tobi" meaning paper hawk.

981, Kite 557 - 6503, Kami Tobi 399 - 7478, Paper Hawk 620  -  3263

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I have a friend who chose to ascended today... To you and your faith, I say ASHEA!

"As the sun sets
So our friend has left us
The water of our tears like the salt water of the sea, and
Life the water of our mother's womb, blesses this Circle."

"As life is a day
So our friend has passed into the night
The fire of our life, the memories and courage, the
Strength given to us by our friend blesses this Circle."

"As all that falls shall rise again
So our friend will be reborn
The air we breathe, this treasure of our life, the
Compassionate caring we give each other blesses this Circle."

"As the Earth forms us
So our friend shall return to the earth
Our Mother feeds us and clothes us. She gives us
Everything and in the end she takes our bodies back. 
And Earth blesses this Circle."

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Every 4.04, I call my mon and tell her "HAPPY LABOR DAY (729 - 2112).  We laugh about it and then she goes on to tell me how I almost killed her!   I was a breach birth and she says, "I kenw from the day you were born that you'd always have to do things your way."

When I was younger, I asked her "why do you say that?"  She finally explained to me.  I'm not superstitious but it's an olds wives tale that says "breach born children, come out feet first because they already know where they are going in life.  They are not rebellious, they are just born ready!"

I accepted that and to this day, I knew and still know this is so.  Needless to say, I'm so glad that my children weren't born breach, I don't believe there would have been enough space in my house for all that creative energy (lol).  Thank the Divine that they found their joy in other things!

I asked my mother, "What time was I born?"  "I don't know, I was to busy concentrating on the delivery.  I believe it was 12:01 or 12:02, I just remember it was a few minutes after midnight." 
Today, I checked my birth certificate to see what time it was.  Strange, the birth time slot was empty but the tme they signed the certificate was 1:21 and my birth # was 121.

Now, not only is 0444 my favorite number, I've got to run with 1201 and 1220 as my new pets.  come to think about the breach nature, I better run with the 1221 (lol) It really was LABOR DAY.

Gratefully, moving towards perfection....

P.S.  for the rest of the month 444 and 0444 are going to travel because I travel all the time

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

MOVE OVER, Here I come

For those of you who don't know, I'm an ARIES, with a LEO moon and a LEO cardinal.
With those I'm very familiar with, I often tell them, The Aries in me makes me want to climb to great heights.   The Leo in me won't let me starve.
In other words, I don't Pray for Prey. I track it and assimilate!  
Yes, to some it sounds cocky but for me, it's a vow to myself never to be satisfied with the physical.  Spiritual, I am and will ever be!  For there is much to teach and so much more to learn.
With that being said, MERCURY is Directly in alignment with ARIES (mercury aries direct).  What does that mean for people like me?
3/13 Merc/Pluto   Watch my temper and don't take anything to heart.  Humans are learning to be.           Hence Human beings....
3/15 Merc/Jup      Stay humble and bold.  Remember eveything that's good isn't necessarily good for you!
3/18 Merc/Sat      Watch my surrounding, Negative breeds negative (polarize all situations)
4/09 Merc/Sun     Quick witted makes you quick with it.
4/11 Merc/Jup      Happy feelings in the air...
4/23 Merc Direct   No beating around the bush.  Straight and narrow, remember sequences (234)
5/09 Merc/Ven      Stay focused or you'll see double or maybe triples (777, 666, 667, etc)
5/11 Stellium is in Aries (remember 5/09 and 5/11 3/15 and 4/11)
The ARIES in me screams today, MOVE OVER, here I come!
 MERCURY- ARIES -  DIRECT:   1184 1284 421

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reflective, Responsive

I'm an Orange Moon,
Reflecting the light of the sun, 
I'm brighter than before,
BRIGHTER, than ever before,
I'm an Orange moon and I shine so bright
Cause I reflect the light of my Sun.
I praise the day, He looked my way, and smiled at me.
The Sun smiles and I get to smile because I get to stay Orange, 
ORANGE is a power color.  It stimulates, hunger, creativity, vitality and endurance. 
I live in the Aries sun.  Aries is a red lover but sometimes, the fire, the fire in us smolders 
and that is where I am today, smoldering, gentler with a more thoughtful creative spirit leading me today.

Where the Sun acts, the moon reacts.  
I'm ruling the ebb and flow of my physical multi-verse.
I am responsive, receptive and reflective.
I am the mediator between the inner worlds and the outer worlds
I walk in the fulfillment of my destiny.  
VIBRATING IN SPIRITUAL PERFECTION:  My lives will forever abide in the house of 7

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The phenomenon of quantum entanglement in quantum physics at first glance seems to allow one to transmit information faster than the speed of light;
Einstein described an experiment inwhich two particles would be created by the same process, but would head inopposite directions.  If at some time you were to establish certainattributes of one of the particles, you could use that to determine thatattribute of the other particle.  Einstein argued this could be used toget information on particles that was inconsistent with the UncertaintyPrinciple and would indicate that the particles actually have definite properties at all times rather than just probabilities of values.

When studying Quantum Entanglement in college, I became fascinated with the Quantum Entanglement Communication..
Laymens terms.  What if you could speak to yourself in one dimension and effectively fix issuses you had in one world to help you maintain a healthy mental condition in this world?????  That was the question I asked myself.  I began lucid dreaming as a means to "fix"  certain things that I just couldn't seem to face in this dimension.  Certain things like my rape or the death of "my first" who died in my arms....  In the other dimensions, I took control of those situations and although, as hard as I tried, I couldn't make those things "not happen" but how I reacted to them did make this life I live (on Mother Earth) has changed my mental and spiritual attitude..
FLASH FORWARD:  Without being too technical, sometimes when I get into science, theories and Physics, which I love, (yes, I know this is a run on sentence, lol), I can become very technical in nature.  So, I'll be brief.  Now turning that portion of me off.

Quantum Entanglement Communication:  Think of it like this; you have a dream, you bring that dream into this realm, the number falls.  What do you call that?  Premonition, Psychic abilities, etc.?
Here's an example, (yes, I realize this may seem like rambling, I want to say soooo very much but I don't want to get too technical)
On my flight to Florida the other day, I fell into a deep sleep.  I never do that!  Any way, in the dream, I saw 419.  Instantly, upon waking, I pulled out my dream journal and I flip to a page that has a number chart similar to the one Harv$t Moon has posted.  I associated the numbers with the letters for Florida with the numbers on the chart.  The numbers for FLORIDA?  419.  I stop to pick up my rental, the license plate # 919 (mirror-419 or 414).  I book my flight for my next destination:  flight # 419.  Some people believe it to be coincidence but not me!  I know for a fact that this is Quantum Entaglement Communication, it happens far too often for me to accept it as anything else.

This morning, I had two dreams.  I don't know what it is about Florida that allows me to have strong visions and actually dream numbers instead of movie like dreams?  Any way, the first dream had 223?  I woke up to someone screaming outside my window and it distracted me to the point I failed to be able to bring the total recall back.  The second was 4901. 
Two of me, each on a side of the Multiverse each searching for answers to "What Is?" Each helping the other by way of placing signs and numbers in specific order to prove relativity....
      So I Am.  As it is here, so it is there....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Is this Real?

I've had 4 dreams and 2 visions in the last 72 hours.  (no, I'm not giving out 4272, smile).  But I found it odd that each one of them have one thing in common;  the number 214.  At first, I thought it was an oddity or that I had Valentine's Day on my mind but it's not that.  In a dream this am, I turned over 214 and then this morning, in this realm, I turned over 412.  I beginning to think I need to look for something significant that will assist me and those who read my blogs, follow me on twitter or Facebook.
Some times dreams/visions appear to help me but the majority of time it assists the "ALL" meaning this and other dimensions.  With that said, I did a little research on the number 214 =7 (2147)  hmmh maybe 777 somewhere today...Ok, onward:

Rivermaya (a Filipino alternative band) states 214 means "AM I REAL?"  I think we all know the answer to that Wink
ALL-Acronyms states 214 means TEXAS
Verse of the Day - Day 214:  1 Samuel 2:2  Speaks of dedication and rejoicing.  It speaks of the Creator hearing us in desperation and delivering when we can't find any other way....
Hebrew:  meqaddeshin 'otah  ba-qiddush.  To Consecrate by seperating from this realm.  A ceremony which must done over wine.

I could go on forever but I won't! 
All in all the number 214 sits in my being today telling me the same things the dream I had earlier stated:  Karma and those who read this message.

  It's time to separate yourself from things you know aren't right.  It's time to not think with your heart and rejoice in the knowing that what you remove from your life will fill you with the feeling of joy that will create a form of euphoria forever.  No, it will not be easy to remove these things because they've given you a false sense of drunkeness (joy) but when you do and rejoice in the giving of that thing to the Universe, you'll be on your way....

Am I Real?  Yes and No
Your mind, your thoughts, your ideas make things real and not real.

Am I Real?  Yes and NO
If you're talking about what you can hear, what you can smell, taste and feel, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
Consider this simple question through out your day....'AM I REAL?'

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Moving towards perfection

Gabrielle, Gabriel:  Bring man to God, bring God to man.

I sing your song for guidance forever more Selah!

My heart is a song that rises,
It is a rainbows bridge spanning abysses of place and time

My heart is a song that rises,
To wake in the One Light to heal the wound between earth and sky

My heart is a song that rises.
It is the crystal fire that wakens the sleeper into the dream.

My heart is a song that rises.
It is the pure waterfall that cleanses my path with tears of joy.

My heart is a song that rises.
I bring men to the Creator and I bring the Creator to man.

My heart is a song that rises,
My heart is a song that rises!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year, New Focus

In the palace of the Reality's expanse, pure and pervasive is my spiritual teacher. 

The body of Reality;  Uncreated and free from conceptual elaboration.  To You I pray with fervent devotion for The blessings of Reality, so that naturally I arise.  I now live with pristine cognition.  I am and you are uncontrived and spontaneously present.  Through natural liberation, without renounciation of ignorance and delusion I am and will continually be.
All praise the Creator for the creation of multi-verses...
still vibrating in completion 7...007