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Thursday, September 1, 2011


In the last two days I've run into more doubles than I have in a very ling time.  Wondering, with a sense of urgency what new anomaly this will bring into my family existence in this universal dimension.  First it was the 11:11 then the 1737.  Yesterday 7474 and today 6365 and 7474 again. 

Incremental steps as I call to remembering the law of the pendulum.  Everything begins and ends here.  With the moon in Libra, its as if I can feel all emotions.  Empathy abilities are on high alert today.  Since the awareness is so intense, I've got to make my way to the AME that is calling to me.  As we walk to its doors, I feel the light that used to be here.  I get the feeling  that Ma'at also knows the since of oneness here.  It is a food and closure for me and a sense of knowing for her as we travel.

We can know without being taught, we can be without knowing.  Vibrating today in the fullness of all things positive.  9

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