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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Teaching through

Got an I'M today from someone who not only hungup on me one day but this person had the intestinal fortitude to try and humilate me by ling about me to everyone we knew...

Flash forward.  I thought back on the last couple of moments before I totally cut off communication with this person.  I thought about how upset I was at the intent of this Gimp sapiens actions and my response to those actions.  I realized inn this moment that the person who intentfully tried to tarnished my reputation loved and does live on the moment if the say, never realizing that tomorrow is today.

With that said, Ive learned that the best way to teach someone the true meaning of being is to allow them to learn though your actions.  Mine have been perfectly spiritual.

Remember, not everyone is your enemy, they gave just served their purpose!

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