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Monday, September 26, 2011

Spiritually on the right path

A while back, I got interested in Buddhism, I've studied many religions and after a horrible situation, now I realize it wasn't a bad situation for me but for the other person involved, I found a mantra.

This mantra beckoned to me. And for some reason, settled my spirit. I've not chanted the mantra nor thought about it after the hatred I had for this person and what I had allowed them to take me through had diminished.


On the plane yesterday, I closed my eyes for a brief second and saw what was considered yesterday, I was looking at myself in the mirror and then noticed that my right pinky finger was bleeding. It wasn't but the vision was so vivid I looked for a cut. I then flashed into CESS and realized that there is a space between and nothingness...

We'll talk about it soon. Anyhow, as I began to aerate into the nothingness I heard the mantra. It was very feint at first then a little more prominent. It radiates my presence! This morning as I awakened the mantra stayed with me and it is continually playing in my spirit as I pen this brief blog.

Om Mani Padme Hum (Sanskrit) or Om Mani Peme Hung (Tibetan)
it's simple meaning: Infinite Compassion

For Tibetan Buddhists, "jewel in the lotus" represents bodhichitta and the wish for liberation from the Six Realms

Bodhichitta -- "awakened heart-mind"
The Six Realms -- are an allegorical description of conditioned existence, or samsara, into which beings are reborn.

SIDE BAR: The realms are:

1. Deva-gati, the Realm of Devas (Gods) and Heavenly Beings
the Deva realm is populated by godlike beings who enjoy great power, wealth and long life. They live in splendor and happiness. Yet even the Deva grow old and die. Further, their privilege and exalted status blind them to the suffering of others, so in spite of their long lives they have neither wisdom nor compassion. The privileged Deva will be reborn in another of the Six Realms.

2. Asura-gati, the Realm of Asura (Titans)

the Asura this way: "Always desiring to be superior to others, having no patience for inferiors and belittling strangers; like a hawk, flying high above and looking down on others, and yet outwardly displaying justice, worship, wisdom, and faith -- this is raising up the lowest order of good and walking the way of the Asuras." You may have known an Asura or two.

3. Preta-gati, the Realm of Hungry Ghosts
Hungry ghosts (preta) are pictured as beings with huge, empty stomachs, but they have pinhole mouths, and their necks are so thin they cannot swallow. A hungry ghost is one who is always looking outside himself for the new thing that will satisfy the craving within. Hungry ghosts are characterized by insatiable hunger and craving. They are also associated with addiction, obsession and compulsion

4. Naraka-gati, the Hell Realm
As the name suggests, the Hell Realm is the most terrible of the Six Realms. Hell beings have a short fuse; everything makes them angry. And the only way hell beings deal with things that make them angry is through aggression -- attack, attack, attack! They drive away anyone who shows them love and kindness and seek out the company of other hell beings

5. Tiryagyoni-gati, the Animal Realm
Animal beings are marked by stupidity, prejudice and complacency. They live sheltered lives, avoiding discomfort or anything unfamiliar.

6. Manusya-gati, the Human Realm
The Human Realm is the only realm of the six from which beings may escape samsara.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Presque Vu

Every morning for the last 6 days, as I lay in the state of awakening, my spirit drifts back to this place that we call earth. As it does, I request the Universe to show me the way, to give me utterance to bless those in need and to assist me in doing my part to fuel the fires of creation...


As I lay there this morning, I realize that I'm having PRESQUE VU moments. It's not as bad as trying to remember a word, it's recalling people and places that I know I've been and yet know that I've not been here in this state. I know for a fact that I've had the experiences, I know for a fact that I've spoke to them, had things in common with them and made acquaintances and yet, to this day, I've not been able to call to memory in what dimension or plane or existence.

When it does make itself obvious, I'm sure there is a message! Until then, I'll rest in the knowing that ALL IS, that WE ARE and that there is no coincidence!

Vibrating in Oneness & Completeness 17

Thursday, September 1, 2011


In the last two days I've run into more doubles than I have in a very ling time.  Wondering, with a sense of urgency what new anomaly this will bring into my family existence in this universal dimension.  First it was the 11:11 then the 1737.  Yesterday 7474 and today 6365 and 7474 again. 

Incremental steps as I call to remembering the law of the pendulum.  Everything begins and ends here.  With the moon in Libra, its as if I can feel all emotions.  Empathy abilities are on high alert today.  Since the awareness is so intense, I've got to make my way to the AME that is calling to me.  As we walk to its doors, I feel the light that used to be here.  I get the feeling  that Ma'at also knows the since of oneness here.  It is a food and closure for me and a sense of knowing for her as we travel.

We can know without being taught, we can be without knowing.  Vibrating today in the fullness of all things positive.  9