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Friday, May 27, 2011

Back to the playground

You know, you can learn a lot from children! Whenever my children were frustrated or couldn't gather their thoughts, I'd take them into the backyard and let them play in the dirt. When we had made the last tower or mud pie, I'd bring them back into the house, sometimes, I'd have to hose us off outside (lol). We'd rinse our hands and magically whatever disturbed them went away.

It is said... that we come from the earth and will return to the earth in the human existence and that's why I'm bringing this up to you today. Nothing washes away negativity better than to play in the dirt. So what I'm asking you to do today is play in the dirt or plant something. It can be a small flower. Make sure to get your hands dirty. When they are to the point of dirty, look at your hands and imagine it as the negative energy that has surrounded you thus far. Now, run the water, as you place your hands into the water, thank the DIVINE that negativity is like dirt and like all things that are dirty, they can be washed away. When your hands become free of the negativity, thank the DIVINE again that all is forgiven both in your world and the world of others that you may have given some form of negativity to as well.

If for any reason you feel a need to take flight, find a swing and swing as high as you can go. It's freed me so many times before and it's freed those that I care or cared enough to share the experience.

May the energy of LIFE fill you to overflowing and return to Ka.
May Ma'at find you and keep you in the light....

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sometimes folks just don't know what to say

I was in the streets today and someone asked me was it true. I said yes and they said "that's not what I heard. Is this her?" "Yes, this is" I said "why do you ask? They simply said, "I was just curious!"

I blessed them and sent them on their way. I pen this note to let anyone who comes across it know. That love won't ever say something about you that isn't true and it will never say something negative about you unless it says it to you first. If someone says they love you but all you hear from their friends, their family and those they associate with is negative things they say about you; they don't love you. They love something about you.

Love never, and I do repeat never, says things behind your back that it can't say in your face.

And for the person that said those things, I know you read here. I'll just say what I said to your face. There will come a day when you love someone the way that I loved you and they will do you the same as you did me. No matter where you turn or to whom you speak, they'll never here words from my mouth that I didn't say to you, first.

The most hurtful thing you could've have ever said was "I used to love you." You should have just been truthful and said, " loved what you used to do for me."

I am praying for your return to enlightenment. Until then, there is nothing we can ever talk about. Ma'at is and will be until the end.

That's what love does.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Polarity, liminal space:

For I am divided for love's sake, for the instance of union.
This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.....

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Kite in flight....

I remember when I was younger, how I loved to fly kites.  To me, they symbolized freedom, the ability to soar and unlimited potential.  Then I reached what I call 'my alchemist' years I realized that the kite was not a symbol of freedom but one of control...

As a kite, I would be free to fly but only as far as someone would allow me to go.
As a kite, Some one would tell me how high to fly.
As a kite, I would be used for a few short months and then be put away.
As a kite, I would catch the wind but be controlled by someone else's fear of losing control.

I ascend not as air.  I am a kite but one given the power to manipulate my own strings, soar as I see fit and bring forth ideas that travel like the wind. 

Those that dream of me, know that to do so, means prosperity.  Those who dream of losing control of the string that holds me realizes that they have lost control of things that matter only to them.

As a kite, I am used to celebrate the wind, spring and birth......

FREEDOM LIES WITHIN...Let go of the string

A Japanese dictionary dated 981 AD was the first to record the Japanese word for kite and used the characters for "Kami Tobi" meaning paper hawk.

981, Kite 557 - 6503, Kami Tobi 399 - 7478, Paper Hawk 620  -  3263