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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Those who know...

Those who know that others are smart,
Those who know that they are wise.
Those who master the art of Self Control have true power.

If you know you have much and know that you have enough, you are truly wealthy.
Those who continue to reach towards there goals are persistent.
Those who keep their word have strong will.

Vibrating in the world of Virgo today...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

lottery tic tac toes

3 HIT TIC TAC TOE:  Take the last 3 hits:  935 489 172 

 9 | 3 | 6    Columns: 941, 387, 692
 --+---+--  Corners: 493, 369, 927, 714
 4 | 8 | 9    Middle Cross: 483, 389, 987, 784
 --+---+--  Diagonals: 982, 681
 1 | 7 | 2    Diagonal Pairs: 98, 92, 82, 68, 61, 81

Tic-Tac-Toe Numbers to play:

 9 | 3 | 6    Columns: 941, 387, 692
 --+---+--  Corners: 493, 369, 927, 714
 4 | 8 | 9    Middle Cross: 483, 389, 987, 784
 --+---+--  Diagonals: 982, 681
 1 | 7 | 2    Diagonal Pairs: 98, 92, 82, 68, 61, 81

Monday, December 6, 2010

To understand the small things is called clarity
Knowing when to yield is called strength
Walking in the awareness of regardless to your situation,
you have the abiity to change the outcome, is called the Constant.

We see the Constant everday in our walk.  I'm reminded of the Constant today.
While in the dream state, I dreamt that I told myself:  "When 210 falls I'm going to stop posting dreams."  I then get out early, because I know I'll be in meetings the majority of the day and may not have time to play. 

As soon as I enter the store there is a gentlman with a Military jacket on.  His unit # is 210, I get a QP, 012.  Most people would stop to think that maybe, just maybe that will be the number today.  Not me though, I automatically saw 3 (2+1+0=3).  I paused a moment to bask in the glory of infinite wisdom, thanking the Creator for a glimpse of Triune.

Me, I'm a simple person living a magnificent life. I've grown accustomed to the blessings and unfoldings of things Divine, and I'm ever so grateful for the moments when I see 3: 
Three reminds us we are all connected and it is only through this connection that progress can be made.

Three is the birthing of true wisdom.
Three is the equilibrium of the unities.
  • Spirit, Mind, Body
  • Father, Son, Holy Ghost
  • Mother, Father, Child
  • Past, Present, Future
  • Power, Intellect, Love
  • Creator, Destroyer, Sustainer
  • Creation, Preservation, Destruction
  • Thought, Feeling, Emotion

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I walk light but I carry a measuring stick

I'm not judgemental, I listen, I watch, I observe then listen again.  To me, all words are noun.  They are persons, places and or things.  I'm not moved until your nouns become verbs or what are also known as action words.  I've let so many people lie and think that they are deceiving me.  I've spoke to the universe about that today.  This time, I didn't have to wait, for what seemed like eons for an answer.

The Universe told me.  I should still continue to walk light.  Put down the big stick and carry a Measuring Stick.  (Carry a ruler and measure a man.  Then see what rules.  Those are the rules from now on.  In the words of LIL KIM (paraphrasing:) No More"Misses Niceness"

If you have a concept, an idea, want to share a story, want a dream conveyed, need help with your marketing plan, need a promotional strategy, etc.  PLEASE, PLEASE come with a clean heart and good intentions.  There is a reason I don't do cigarette promotions or marketing people!

With that said:  It's only right that you now know the rules in which I will engage:

Destined to rise since my call from birth: 
I don't measure a man by what he says, 
I measure him by what he considers others to be worth!

Karma Oviquio
Another way I measure a man:
When he does what he does, does he do it for self?
Or does he do it for someone else?
If #1 #FAIL
My circle of influence is getting smaller by the day. 
2011 is less than a month away.

2+0+1+1 = 4 The number of DIVINE CREATION
Meaning if you're not a piece of bringing anything Divinely Creative, if it isn't for good of the All, 
then I'm not messing with you until 2012.

 The number of GRACE & MERCY is when I'll speak to you again. But remember when 2011 comes, I'll listen, I'll be merciful with you but if you're coming with that same BS.... 
May the GODS be Merciful because I won't be!