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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Angels Unaware

Ok, so I thought I'd share this.  Yesterday, I'm at the DMC and I stop at this liquor store to get some QP's and get a vibe for the store.

I won't play in the store if I feel negative energy from it.  Anyhow, I'm in the store and a man walks in and says, "Can I get in front of you, I'm pressed for time."  I politely say give me your numbers and I'll play them for you.  He reaches them and there is only one number on the paper.

I'm thinking "Oh you can wait!"  Anyway, I say what does 628 play for?  He says colored woman.  "No, I replied 725 is colored woman from an old book my granny used to use and you're around the age she would be if she were alive."  His reply was "All ya'll young folks think ya'll know everything about everything!"

I get his number and buy him 725 .50 str.

"Here, and you can thank me now!"  was my reply.  We stood in the store talking.  Him telling me about black bottom, Joe Louis, what Detroit used to look like before the riot, how black men used to love and respect black women, yada, yada and before you knew it, the lottery number came out.

What was it? he asked the clerk.  The clerk printed the ticket and gave it to him.  He shook his head!  And said, "Well, I'll be damned!"  My reply, was "You may have been but not anymore!"

I'm not saying I'm an Angel by any means, but sometimes, the Spirit of the Divine moves us to be the light we were put here to be and whether you know it or not, Sometimes we entertain angels unaware of our own circumstance.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Why we do what we do mitigates, or directs the Karma not Karma......

So, I'm talking to someone I used to know and they say to me,  "You, know, I thought you'd never speak to me again!"

Funny, I thought, then asked.  "Why would you think that?"  


My name is Karma for a reason.  That reason being, that there are 4 phases to Karma.  If you don't know them, I won't explain them today, but I will in the near future.  Well Maybe, I should do it now:

1. bija (seed) Our wishes and intentions already exist in subtle form and only later they will manifest in activities.

2. kuta-stha (sprouting) Reactions manifesting after a decision to perform a deed.

3. phalonmukha (fructifying) Reactions already bearing fruits (phala).

4. prarabdha (harvest) Reactions already fulfilled at our birth

Unfortunately for some, they have no idea that I see past some forms of now, therefore they never realize, until it's too late that I've given them passes until I choose to no longer live the existence they think I should have.

Which is why now and henceforth forever more, my belief is that What, and How YOU do things directs the outcome of your now.  It doesn't effect how I treat you!
