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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chinese Bamboo

When you plant chinese bamboo. You place seeds in the ground, you water the plant every day.  You look everyday for 5 years and nothing.  Then sometime in the 5th year, you look down and your see a shoot.  Within 4 or 5 weeks, the plant has grown over 4 feet tall.

So my question to you is:  Did it take the bamboo a day to grow or 5 years to grow?  Now let me tell you what I know.  From the day the seeds were planted, they were in the process of growing.

Sometimes in our life, you've got to plant seeds and have due diligence.  You have to believe that what you're doing is going to manifest but in all things make sure, I mean beyond knowing, have faith and water your dreams with that faith.

Some of you are in school, some in business for yourself, some are changing careers.  You've planted and now you're watering.  It may take a little while, but know this!  The seeds you've planted are so close to shooting up.  They've already rooted.  Be encouraged.