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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Play a Pair

From time to time I'll post pairs. These pairs will fall all over - The US

Please bear in mind, I vibrate in quite a few states so it may or may not play in Ga.

To play a pair: To play a pair double a number from The Pair or add a 0, 1 or your favorite number:

Pairs for Xmas: 72 49 35

72 = 772 722 720 721

49 = 449 499 490 491

35 = 335 355 350 351

These may fall as a 3 or 4 digit.

Just for a moment

I'm talking to a very close friend today. He says, "Karma, you've got to help me! I can tell when things are going to happen, kinda like you do. I can see something but I can't ever get to the end of a thing. I see me coming into a large amount of money and asking you what I should do with it but I can't see how it's coming or what happens after I get it."
My answer to him was very simple and I'll explain it to us all.
ANSWER: Just for a moment, stop being human!

FLASH into the NOW.

As humans, we're born into a season. We're on the physical plane for just a few "years" and then this existence is no more. Anything that is made by a human or anything that is human will surely decay, crumble or break down in some form or fashion. Yes, they say that some things will last forever but who will be here to find out whether or not that is "true." I won't digress!

When you add a "HUMAN" perspective to a dream of vision, it automatically begins to decay, If you see the passing of a "boy" in a dream or vision and automatically begin to wonder who and when, you give it a human face. You start to decay the vision.
When you're in a human state, you allow for breakdown...
I asked my close friend, "Did you sleep on a pillow last night?" He answered yes. What did you notice about the pillow? Did it become warm after your head was placed on it? Yes What else do you know about the pillow, I asked. He in turn told me everything he knew about the pillow. Look at the pillow until it's out of focus, clear your thoughts, what do you see? He was quiet, and then out of the silence he saw a woman, then a child, then himself. What do you feel, I asked. Rested, was his answer.


After a few more minutes he was able to understand that no matter what is going on around him if he added even the slightest bit of thought to what a thing could or couldn't be he created a portal for his human aspect and the communication became skewed. When we as spiritual people try to make sense of a dream or vision we detreriorate what the pure of essence of the message is.

In the now....

A lot of times when I dream, I will not try to figure out the dream. I go back and look for additional clues as to what it is that the Divine is speaking into my existence. I pick up vibrations from the numbers and they tell me a story. Just like the 1940 today. I searched our forum and my dream book and found out just what the DIVINE was telling me: here is just a bit of what has been said through the numbers
1: Unity (solidarity) it is physical & mental
4: Creation solidity (4 seasons, 4 elements
9: Judgement (internal attributes - balance)
0: All & Nothing (everything & nothing)

I don't ever try to assign what is going on in mu existence, I simply "overstand" that it IS. consider the verb "IS" it means to be. ALLOW THINGS TO "BE" stop putting your human understanding into things that are DIVINE! Just for a minute. Allow things to manifest, let them "BE"

The DIVINE has assigned all things! There will be things that we will know, things we will understand, things we will overstand but if you add the human aspect to all things, they'll diminish rapidly and you'll add something to it which shouldn't be there in the first place.

FOR THOSE OF US who understand our spiritual gifts....

There is greater knowing coming, there is an awakening that will precede all that you understand about your gifts. Remember not to try and force it. To do that is to add a human aspect to it. Your season will ebb and flow from the physical aspects. Make sure to stay hydrated and well nourished. If not, you'll have to take physical steps, meaning you'll need to write things down or do something "physical" to maintain the manifestations. Keep your physical self in order and the parting of the veil will be one that you won't think to measure. Everything, and I do mean everything will be revealed to you in season. Prepare yourself spiritually! We'll see and hear both sides The Law of the Pendulum will be in FULL EFFECT for us from now on.
The Spirit is moving and I am being obedient to the flow, I see the Multi-Verse swirling so I must stop the typing.