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Saturday, February 19, 2011

The phenomenon of quantum entanglement in quantum physics at first glance seems to allow one to transmit information faster than the speed of light;
Einstein described an experiment inwhich two particles would be created by the same process, but would head inopposite directions.  If at some time you were to establish certainattributes of one of the particles, you could use that to determine thatattribute of the other particle.  Einstein argued this could be used toget information on particles that was inconsistent with the UncertaintyPrinciple and would indicate that the particles actually have definite properties at all times rather than just probabilities of values.

When studying Quantum Entanglement in college, I became fascinated with the Quantum Entanglement Communication..
Laymens terms.  What if you could speak to yourself in one dimension and effectively fix issuses you had in one world to help you maintain a healthy mental condition in this world?????  That was the question I asked myself.  I began lucid dreaming as a means to "fix"  certain things that I just couldn't seem to face in this dimension.  Certain things like my rape or the death of "my first" who died in my arms....  In the other dimensions, I took control of those situations and although, as hard as I tried, I couldn't make those things "not happen" but how I reacted to them did make this life I live (on Mother Earth) has changed my mental and spiritual attitude..
FLASH FORWARD:  Without being too technical, sometimes when I get into science, theories and Physics, which I love, (yes, I know this is a run on sentence, lol), I can become very technical in nature.  So, I'll be brief.  Now turning that portion of me off.

Quantum Entanglement Communication:  Think of it like this; you have a dream, you bring that dream into this realm, the number falls.  What do you call that?  Premonition, Psychic abilities, etc.?
Here's an example, (yes, I realize this may seem like rambling, I want to say soooo very much but I don't want to get too technical)
On my flight to Florida the other day, I fell into a deep sleep.  I never do that!  Any way, in the dream, I saw 419.  Instantly, upon waking, I pulled out my dream journal and I flip to a page that has a number chart similar to the one Harv$t Moon has posted.  I associated the numbers with the letters for Florida with the numbers on the chart.  The numbers for FLORIDA?  419.  I stop to pick up my rental, the license plate # 919 (mirror-419 or 414).  I book my flight for my next destination:  flight # 419.  Some people believe it to be coincidence but not me!  I know for a fact that this is Quantum Entaglement Communication, it happens far too often for me to accept it as anything else.

This morning, I had two dreams.  I don't know what it is about Florida that allows me to have strong visions and actually dream numbers instead of movie like dreams?  Any way, the first dream had 223?  I woke up to someone screaming outside my window and it distracted me to the point I failed to be able to bring the total recall back.  The second was 4901. 
Two of me, each on a side of the Multiverse each searching for answers to "What Is?" Each helping the other by way of placing signs and numbers in specific order to prove relativity....
      So I Am.  As it is here, so it is there....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Is this Real?

I've had 4 dreams and 2 visions in the last 72 hours.  (no, I'm not giving out 4272, smile).  But I found it odd that each one of them have one thing in common;  the number 214.  At first, I thought it was an oddity or that I had Valentine's Day on my mind but it's not that.  In a dream this am, I turned over 214 and then this morning, in this realm, I turned over 412.  I beginning to think I need to look for something significant that will assist me and those who read my blogs, follow me on twitter or Facebook.
Some times dreams/visions appear to help me but the majority of time it assists the "ALL" meaning this and other dimensions.  With that said, I did a little research on the number 214 =7 (2147)  hmmh maybe 777 somewhere today...Ok, onward:

Rivermaya (a Filipino alternative band) states 214 means "AM I REAL?"  I think we all know the answer to that Wink
ALL-Acronyms states 214 means TEXAS
Verse of the Day - Day 214:  1 Samuel 2:2  Speaks of dedication and rejoicing.  It speaks of the Creator hearing us in desperation and delivering when we can't find any other way....
Hebrew:  meqaddeshin 'otah  ba-qiddush.  To Consecrate by seperating from this realm.  A ceremony which must done over wine.

I could go on forever but I won't! 
All in all the number 214 sits in my being today telling me the same things the dream I had earlier stated:  Karma and those who read this message.

  It's time to separate yourself from things you know aren't right.  It's time to not think with your heart and rejoice in the knowing that what you remove from your life will fill you with the feeling of joy that will create a form of euphoria forever.  No, it will not be easy to remove these things because they've given you a false sense of drunkeness (joy) but when you do and rejoice in the giving of that thing to the Universe, you'll be on your way....

Am I Real?  Yes and No
Your mind, your thoughts, your ideas make things real and not real.

Am I Real?  Yes and NO
If you're talking about what you can hear, what you can smell, taste and feel, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
Consider this simple question through out your day....'AM I REAL?'